MEEA Publications

Project Area

Illinois EE Fact Sheet

Project area: Policy
Type: Fact Sheets

MEEA Comments to JCAR on Adoption of Full 2021 IECC in Illinois

Project area: Policy
Type: Testimony

MEEA Comments in Support of the Adoption of the Full 2021 IECC in Illinois

Project area: Policy
Type: Testimony

MEEA's Response to Chicago RFI

Project area: Buildings
Type: Testimony

MEEA’s Comments in Support of the 2023 Illinois Residential Stretch Energy Code

Project area: Buildings
Type: Testimony

MEEA’s Comments in Support of the 2023 Illinois Commercial Stretch Energy Code

Project area: Buildings
Type: Testimony

Webinar Slides: Costs, Benefits and Non-Considerations: How Midwest States Are Measuring Energy Efficiency

Project area: Policy
Type: Presentation Slides, Webinars

2019 Legislative Wrap-Up Webinar

Project area: Policy
Type: Webinars