MEEA Publications

Project Area

Missouri EEFA Comments on Missouri BIL WAP State Plan Application 2022

Project area: Policy
Type: Testimony

MEEA’s Comments on Proposed 2021 Kansas City, MO IECC

Project area: Buildings
Type: Testimony

MEEA Comments: Kansas City, MO Climate Plan

Project area:
Type: Testimony

MEEA MI Healthy Climate Plan Comments

Project area: Policy
Type: Testimony

MEEA Comments for Michigan PSC on Data Access and Privacy

Project area: Policy
Type: Testimony

On-Bill Financing Fact Sheet

Project area: Policy
Type: Fact Sheets

Summary: Economic Impacts of Energy Efficiency in Michigan

Project area: Policy
Type: Fact Sheets

Testimony on MI SB 437 & 438

Project area: Policy
Type: Testimony