MEEA Policy Insider - February 2019

The MEEA Policy Insider summarizes the latest state policy activity and provides new resources to aid members in their own outreach, education and advocacy initiatives.

Ready to get involved? There are advocacy opportunities in Indiana and Ohio.

In this issue:

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On February 11, 2019 Governor Pritzker released 11 transition reports including Powering Illinois’ Future. The report includes calls to “expand energy efficiency and energy storage efforts”, with a focus on state-owned buildings such as schools and offices. The report also mentions investments in the clean energy economy via a state capital bill.


Following the February 15, 2019 filing deadline for bill introductions, Legislators in Illinois introduced several pieces of legislation that would impact energy efficiency and the energy sector:

  • HB 3624 (Rep. Ann Williams): Clean Energy Jobs Act. A comprehensive clean energy and environmental bill. As of the filing deadline the bill has been introduced with only the bill title. The rest of the legislative text will likely be added later by amendment.
  • HB 2855 (Rep. Robyn Gabel): requires the Illinois Commerce Commission to develop a plan for increasing electric vehicle adoption in the state through beneficial electrification programs such as time-of-use rates and demand response.
  • HB 2899 (Rep. Sam Yingling): changes the Alternate Fuels Act to make electricity the only acceptable fuel source for charging station grants and vehicle rebates (current law allows “alternate fuel”).
  • HB 2801 (Rep. Emanuel Chris Welch): requires an inter-agency report that studies  how to “decarbonize Illinois’ electric sector in a just and equitable way.” The following agencies would contribute to the report: Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Illinois Commerce Commission, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and Illinois Power Agency.
  • HB 2926 (Justin Slaughter): requires the ICC, through an independent third party contractor, to analyze the potential costs and benefits of energy storage systems.
  • HB 2956 (Rep. William Davis): removes the industrial customer exemption originally passed as part of the Future Energy Jobs Act (2016).


NextGrid Illinois released their final draft report containing several possible recommendations for energy efficiency, including:

  • Allowing large energy customers to opt-in to energy efficiency programs
  • Collaborating among utilities and governments to bring efficiency opportunities to those who need them most
  • New finance programs such as Pay As You Save (PAYS) that allows customers to finance energy improvements through payments on their monthly utility bill.

However, the report has not been finalized due to a court injunction barring such action until a pending lawsuit is resolved. The ICC had been set to finalize the report on January 15, 2019.

How to Get Involved

For more information about Illinois or to get more involved, contact Nick Hromalik.

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Integrated resource planning is ongoing for Indiana utilities, including several plans extended from 2018:

  • NIPSCO has filed their IRP, and public comments can be sent to the IURC until Feb. 28, 2019.
  • The commission granted Duke a filing extension to March 1, 2019 and IMP an extension to May 1, 2019 (IMP’s Michigan filing has been extended to June 15, 2019th).
  •  Indianapolis Power & Light has begun their 2019 IRP stakeholder process. Their first stakeholder meeting was held on Jan 29.
  • Utility stakeholder meetings will continue during the planning period and will be posted on the utility IRP pages linked above.
  • Updates from the commission on IRPs in Indiana will be posted to the IURC’s IRP page.

The Director’s Final Report on the 2017 Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) was released on December 27, 2018.

The IURC has announced the date for its 2019 IRP Contemporary Issues Conference – Monday, April 15, 2019.

How to Get Involved

Utility IRP meetings are open to anyone interested in attending. The IRP Contemporary Issues conference is also open to all interested parties.

 If you have any questions about Indiana or want to get more involved, contact Greg Ehrendreich.

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Alliant Energy, MidAmerican Energy and Black Hills Energy have filed their revised 2019- 2023 plans in consideration of SF 2311. The utility hearings have been completed:

  • MidAmerican Energy’s hearings were held on November 19 and November 20
  • Alliant Energy’s hearing was on December 12
  • Black Hills Energy’s hearings were on January 15 and January 16

On January 22nd, Iowa’s state auditor announced that energy efficiency benchmarking and recommendations will be incorporated in reports for all state and local government entities and that his office will be working with the Iowa Energy Office to identify best practices. 

How to Get Involved

If you have questions about Iowa or want to get more involved, contact Samarth Medakkar. 


On February 4, Governor Whitmer announced the reorganization and renaming of Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality. Executive Order 2019-02 restructured DEQ as the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). The Order also created new offices within the department, including the Office of the Clean Water Public Advocate, the Office of the Environmental Justice Public Advocate, and the Interagency Environmental Justice Response Team. However, on February 14, the Senate joined the House in rejecting EO 2019-02. Following this rejection, it is unclear how Governor Whitmer will proceed. MEEA will provide updates once new restructuring plans emerge.

On February 7, Governor Whitmer announced that current Energy Foundation Midwest Policy Director Dan Scripps will be the new Michigan Public Service Commissioner. The open seat was vacated when Governor Whitmer appointed then Commissioner Rachel Eubanks to State Treasurer. The Michigan Senate has 60 days to consent to or reject the Governor’s appointment.


Ongoing energy efficiency-related MPSC dockets to be aware of:

How to Get Involved

For more information about Michigan or to get more involved, contact Nick Dreher.


Public Utility Commission Chair Nancy Lange’s term ended on January 7, 2019. Governor Walz will nominate a new commissioner for a six-year term, after which the Senate must confirm the commissioner within 60 days of the nomination.

How to Get Involved

For more information about Minnesota or to get more involved, contact Nick Dreher

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Governor Parson issued an executive order that will shift the Division of Energy to the Department of Natural Resources. The Public Service Commission and the Office of Public Counsel will be moved to the Department of Commerce and Insurance, which was formerly known as the Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration.


The procedural schedule for the KCP&L MEEIA (Missouri Energy Efficiency Investment Act) cycle 3 plan has been suspended. KCP&L could extend their current MEEIA II programs which would allow the utility time to respond to Commission staff’s concerns with the submitted plan. The extension of cycle 2 would allow for current programs to continue throughout the year. MEEA will continue to monitor the proceedings.

On December 5, the Missouri Public Service Commission approved Ameren Missouri’s energy efficiency programs. Over $200 million will be invested over the next three years. Another $50 million was approved for a six-year cycle for low-income customers and affordable housing owners.

How to Get Involved

For more information about Missouri or to get more involved, contact Sophia Markowska.

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At the request of Governor Ricketts, Senator Dan Hughes proposed a bill to merge the Energy Office and the Department of Environmental Quality. The bill would rename the combined agencies the “Department of Environment and Energy” and would transfer all statutory powers, responsibilities, employees and assets of the State Energy Office to the Department of Environment and Energy.

How to Get Involved

If you have questions about Iowa or want to get more involved, contact Samarth Medakkar 


Victory in Ohio: Energy Efficiency Rollback Bill Stalls without Action. Read MEEA’s recent take on a major anti-EE bill from last General Assembly. Ultimately the Ohio Senate failed to reach consensus because of what Ohioans already know to be true: cost-effective energy efficiency creates jobs, helps customers save money and improves economic competition.


Governor Mike DeWine announced the nomination of Sam Randazzo as the new chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO). Mr. Randazzo is a former PUCO staffer, assistant Ohio attorney general and lobbyist for the Industrial Energy Users of Ohio. Mr. Randazzo will assume the position on April 11, 2019, pending approval by the State Senate. The Governor’s appointment follows the announced departure of current PUCO Chairman Asim Haque, who announced his resignation effective March 1, 2019. This creates another commissioner vacancy, as Chairman Haque’s term did not expire until April 2021. Applications are due to the PUCO Nominating Council by 5:00pm EST on February 28, 2019. Interviews will be conducted on March 14, 2019, at which point the Nominating Council will submit four names to the Governor for his consideration. Details on the commission appointment process can be found here.

On February 6, 2019 the PUCO granted further consideration for parties that applied for a rehearing of “green rules.” Utilities and interested stakeholders expressed concern when the PUCO issued a final order on December 19, 2018 that made several changes to the Ohio Administrative Code concerning energy efficiency programs and renewable portfolio standard compliance in the state. In January 2019 utilities, consumer advocates and environmental groups in their rehearing applications all stated concern that the order removes the pre-approval process for energy efficiency programs and creates a post-program annual audit, which could impact stakeholder engagement and certainty around cost-recovery. Parties also weighed in on changes to shared savings, the definition of non-energy benefits  and changes to the TRM update. Rehearing applications, memorandum and other information concerning this rule can be found here.

The PUCO announced on January 23, 2019 the selection of EnerNex LLC as the technical facilitator for PowerForward’s Distribution System Planning Working Group and the Data and Modern Grid Working Group.

On December 21, 2018 Dayton Power & Light filed their grid modernization plan. The filing addresses grid modernization architecture, smart meters, electric vehicles, non-wires alternatives and more. FirstEnergy has also filed their grid modernization plan with the PUCO. These filings are part of the next phase of the PUCO’s PowerForward: A Roadmap for Ohio’s Energy Future.

How to Get Involved

For more information about Ohio or to get more involved, contact Nick Hromalik.

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Commissioner Ellen Nowak was appointed as the chairperson on the Public Service Commission (PSC) in January 2019 by out-going Governor Walker. Commissioner Rebecca Valcq was appointed to fill an additional vacancy on the PSC on January 7, 2019 by Governor Evers. The Governor also appointed her as chairperson for a two-year term effective on March 2, 2019.

How to Get Involved

For more information about Wisconsin or to get more involved, contact Sophia Markowska

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