Market Transformation

Innovative pilots and technical reference manuals


The energy efficiency industry is constantly discovering new ways to save energy, whether through new technologies, new types of services or new program designs. These emerging concepts or products often face serious challenges to market entry due to price, fuel switching barriers, consumer awareness, complexity and status quo inertia.

Technical Reference Manual

A Technical Reference Manual (TRM) is a resource used to help plan and evaluate energy efficiency programs. TRMs outline how much energy can be expected to be saved for certain measures, either through deemed savings values or engineering algorithms. TRMs also contain source documentation, specified assumptions and other metrics associated with energy efficiency measures. Eight of MEEA's states have a statewide TRMs to provide the metrics for energy efficiency planning, measurement, evaluation and reporting.

Market Transformation Pilots

The energy efficiency industry is constantly discovering new ways to save energy, whether through new technologies, new types of services or new program designs. These emerging concepts or products often face serious challenges to market entry due to price, fuel switching barriers, consumer awareness, complexity and status quo inertia.