Financing & Financial Analysis

The resources below offer insights into possible financing and help utilities and municipalities model the return on investment (ROI) and/or payback periods for outdoor lighting upgrades. Before investing, it is critical to analyze the costs and explore the creative financing solutions available.

Financial Analysis Assistance: Developed by the MSSLC, the Retrofit Financial Analysis Tool provides municipalities with a method of analyzing the costs and ROI from LED lighting efficiency projects.  

Volume Purchasing: U.S. DOE’s Iowa Municipalities Unite to Save Energy with LED Street Lighting report demonstrates how cost-saving bulk purchase opportunities are not limited to large municipalities and utility territories; the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities controlled product costs through a multi-jurisdictional coordination and volume purchasing program with great success.

Financing Options: U.S. DOE’s MSSLC Financing Options webpage offers rich resources to understand the funding models and options available to municipalities and utilities. Their “Financing Options” webpage discusses options such as self-funding, utility financing for municipally-owned infrastructure, grants/rebates and third-party financing.